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Thoughts & Inspiration
I Asked For It
When I asked God to break my heart for what breaks His, I never expected it to begin to happen. Since arriving to J-Bay it hasn’t been what I expected. And I’m happy for it. On one side of where I live there are beautiful big houses full of nice things. On the other side there is the town ship full of poverty, sickness, suffering, and what I didn’t expect, joy. Even though almost all of this township has nothing, they live their lives as though they have everything.
The other day I gave a bath to a two year old and a 7 month old, the size of a new born. It completely messed me up inside. So many questions and emotions were inside me. How could God let these children suffer like this. Where was He in all this turmoil. What it took me a while to grasp onto was the fact that these beautiful African children were suffering because of a chain of events that God was denied to take part in. Africa didn’t start out with destruction, it was the sin of the people that has taken over this country and allowed it to become what it is today. God will do as much a we allow Him to.
For the people at home, I hope you really know how much He has already done for you. We were blessed with so much and yet we are thankful for so little. Before I get off of here I want to leave you all with a question.. If You lost everything tomorrow, all your nice clothes, your house, your car, your cell phones and your money, allll your “valuable” things, would you still love God? Would you really…
Please pray for me and my team mates, many are sick and are having a rough time. It’s hard to see all this and not be affected by it. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment, for some reason I can’t seem to keep anything in my stomach. Also, please pray that more support will come in for me. If I don’t get 4,000 dollars by christmas I most likely will have to come home for good. Which I don’t want to do. Love you all!!
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of hope and future, plans of good and not evil.”